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WIFT International

Women in Film and Television International (WIFTI) was formed in 2000 and has grown to a network of 46 chapters around the world, boasting more than 14,000 members worldwide.  WiFT LA was proud to be the host chapter of WIFTI from 2016 to 2018. 


Tichi Wilkerson Kassel


Tichi Wilkerson Kassell (1926­-2004) Tichi Wilkerson Kassel founded Women In Film in 1973 while she was a publisher and editor-­in-chief of The Hollywood Reporter. She knew first­hand how limited opportunities were for women in the entertainment industry and was determined to change that:


"As most of you already know, I have a very strong commitment to this organization. Those veterans of this group are aware that we are no longer alone, no longer isolated in our endeavors. We have created a point of reference, an embryo resource, which has great potential for growth. As a group, we can focus a new spotlight on individuals among us and on women in general. As an organization, we can strengthen each other. We can provide opportunities for profiling individual successes. Our combined voices can assure greater recognition of individual efforts. I am proud to be one of you."


—Tichi Wilkerson Kassel, 1985 Crystal Awards

WIFTI News: 
WIFTI Newsletters
WIFTI Past Events:
WIFTI Chapter Executives Conference (CEC) May 14-16, 2017 in London, to be followed by WIFTI chapter sponsored events at the Cannes Film Festival where members are invited to attend.
August 4 - 6, 2017: WIFTI USA Conference - Presidents & Board Liaisons will gather in New Orleans to discuss how to work together to bring more opportunities to their respective members, as well as provide work groups for the Presidents to develop their chapters. Group will create a shared Membership Directory & Calendar.  For more information, click here

For further information, email:


Photo Gallery of past events:

CEC : London & Cannes May 2017 
WIFTI Chapter Executives Conference (CEC) May 14-16, 2017 in London, to be followed by WIFTI chapter sponsored events at the Cannes Film Festival where members are invited to attend.

For further information, email:


Photo Gallery of past events:



Women In Film & Television International (WIFTI)  is a global network comprised of over 40 Women in Film chapters worldwide with more than 14,000 members, dedicated to advancing professional development and achievement for women working in all areas of film, video, and other screen-based media.


* WIFTI does not offer individual memberships. Individuals interested in joining a WIFTI chapter should contact directly the local organization nearest to them for an application. Please click here for a listing of local chapters and their contact information.



  • Enhance the international visibility of women in the entertainment industry;

  • Facilitate and encourage communication and cooperation internationally;

  • Develop bold international projects and initiatives

  • Stimulate professional development and global networking opportunities for women

  • Promote and support chapter development

  • Celebrate the achievements of women in all areas of the industry

  • Encourage diverse and positive representation of women in screen-based media worldwide.



Our membership includes dynamic professionals who represent every aspect of the industry: from producers and directors to accountants and lawyers, from camera and sound technicians to actors and animators. Our contributors also include individuals, corporations and other organizations interested in supporting and promoting the creativity and skills that women bring to the film, television, and video industry.




  • Be part of an international Film, Television & Media community with over 40 Chapters worldwide, including being listed on the WIFTI websites ( &

  • Grant opportunities including Film Finishing Fund, and WIFTI-supported international Chapter events. 

  • WIFTI International "Short Case" juried short film showcase.  

  • Access to WIFTI Chapter-Only secure website.  

  • Members have the opportunity and platform to connect and build relationships with women storytellers and artisans from all over the globe

  • Free President's Calls –BiMonthly Chapter Conversations  

  • Access to other WIFTI chapter events for member prices.  

  • Women in the Director's Chair panels with Board member participation  

  •  International Women's Day– advocacy for women on a global platform  

  • Biennial International Conferences are a unique opportunity for members from all over the globe to network, share ideas on chapter development and co-production options

  • International Online Membership Directory

  • Quarterly Newsletters

  • WIFTI Website ( /

  • WIFTI networking receptions at international film festivals (Berlin, Cannes, MIPCOM, Sundance)

  • The Visiting Members Program is for members planning to work in another state or country. These Women in Film members are eligible to attend that chapter’s activities for a three month period.


Here is a sampling of some of the events & programs provided through WIFTI:

  • Women in Film & Television International Summit

  • WIFTI Short-Case Showcase

  • The Women’s Film Preservation Fund

  • WIFTI continues to be a voice for women in the media industry worldwide. 

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